So, obviously I have been blog-lazy this week. It has been a busy one. Here are some photos from our trip over Labor day weekend. We had a great time playing at the ranch.


View from the top of the hill at the ranch.

Cousins being silly.

Summer got to drive the ranch truck with Grandpa.

Heidi, T Jay and Danny enjoying the police boat sandbox that Grandpa made for them!

Test driving the new disc swing! All of these fun things make the ranch a great place to take the kids to play!

Here, Matthew went bobbing for apples, which looked more like "drowning for apples" in the wash tub to clean the apples. He did this like 4 times. I was paranoid that he was going to fall in without me seeing, so he spent a fair amount of time between the stroller, the backpack and in the swing until we were done with the wash tub. Oh yeah, and he was so dirty at the end of the day, I needed to wash him off. rather than putting him under the freezing hose, I rinsed him the the warmer apple water! He loved it and he even smelled like apples when he was done!

Two Montana boys!