I have been slightly MIA this week. If you're curious where I've been, here it is in pictures. I am the enrichment leader (party/activity planner for the women) at church. We had our Super Saturday craft day this past weekend. I have been so busy planning and organizing this activity that nearly all else fell by the wayside. Just ask Jess, I think he wants to fire me as resident housekeeper-wait, maybe that's not such a bad thing. Maybe we can get our own "Alice" to keep the ship afloat on the home front! :)

Tile coasters-We made these in ND about 2 years ago. This one was popular and super easy. There are tons of tutorials on line if you are interested in a cheap and easy gift idea.

Bird Family Tree. This is an idea from Better Homes and Gardens website. I am going to make some of these for my family members. Ssshh, don't tell them!

Glass etching on a casserole dish for potlucks and dinners to other families.

Kanzashi fabric folded flower. This one was a ton of fun for me. I am going to make a bunch more. The possibilities are limitless: hair clips and headband, pins, hat embellishment, purse embellishment, present bow. FYI Maggie, these are made from the dress fabric and lining from the leftover material from my Bridesmaid dress from your wedding, want one?

Decorative Modge podge balls, thanks for the idea Janet. These don't match, they are showing the different materials you can use on them.
It was a fun and very busy day. We also had a potluck and recipe exchange, so now I need to type up all of the recipes and e-mail them out. I love potlucks! Other than that, I am counting on a much calmer week this week! I hope yours is great, Happy Monday!