We had T Jay's follow up appt. Today. Here he is waiting to get his cast removed.

He watched the nurse intently as she sawed the cast! He was laughing so hard because he said it tickled! I wanted to take a video, but the saw was too noisy.

Prying the cast apart with the wrenchy-tool. Yes, that is it's official name! Just kidding!:)

Stinky foot! Look how little his leg looks!

While we were in Minneapolis this weekend, T Jay kept telling us that there was a rock in his cast. We couldn't find it or get it out. After the cast was removed, I looked inside and sure enough, there was a little pebble, and a matching indention on the side of his foot! Poor baby!
While we were waiting for the Dr. to come in and talk to us, TJay kept saying that he hoped that he didn't have to have another cast put on. He got his wish. It will take at least a year for the bone to regrow, and if he has pain in the future, he will have to cut back his activity level.
When we were on our way out, T Jay took off running and his foot cramped up. He didn't understand that his foot muscles were weak and tight. Poor thing, he thought that his foot was still hurt! I explained that he would have to take it easy and work up to running. He was just so excited to have that cast off! I was too, it was getting really stinky!!