A few stats about Simon so far:
1. He has pooped on me 3 times already in his short two weeks of being in our family! I made it through 4 kids without being pooped on. He is making up for the rest of them.
2. He had his 2 week check up on Friday. My little (not so little) sweetie is 10lbs!!! (birth weight was 8lbs 14oz.) He also grew an inch and a half in those short two weeks! Up to 21 and a half from 20 in. Busy baby boy!
3. He is a grunter. Grunts all of the time! In fact, he grunts to wake me up to feed at night instead of crying. I mean, he grunts to wake Jess up, and then Jess nudges me to get up and feed him!
4. I am 5 for 5 at creating pukers! I am very skilled at catching spit up! Any of you amateurs who hold him, beware!
5. Seriously so sweet! (of course)
And now on to the main event, naked baby cuteness!