15 years ago: I was living in Rockledge,FL. I was 16 and had a license to date and drive! My first date was with a guy named Steve & the first time that I drove by myself, the 1976 (note that's from my birth year!) VW Rabbit that I was driving caught on fire (minor) and I left it on that little triangle that was at US1 and Barton Blvd and caught a ride home with a passing friend! I was a nervous driver after that. At school I was involved in golf, track, swimming and the JV cheer leading squad. It was on that squad that I met Maggie and became great friends with her and Tiffiny.
10 years ago: I was living in Colorado Springs,CO, attending University of Colorado as a social sciences major (my degree ended up being in History! Those who new me in HS are probably surprised by that!)) and engaged to marry Jess! We have our 10 year anniversary on May28th! I was working as a cashier at Walmart in the morning and as a server at Cracker Barrel in the evenings. That was a busy time!
5 years ago: I was living in Del Rio,TX and T Jay was about 8 months old. I was (& am) over the moon for him! I spent my time taking him to the pool, the park & running. I was also the parliamentarian for the OSC board. Go ahead, ask me about Robert's Rules, Just Kidding, I probably don't remember! That's really all that I remember about 5 years ago, hmmm...
3 years ago: I was entering by far my hardest part of life so far! Jess was deployed or TDY for about 7 and a half months that year and working over 12 hour days when he was "home." We were living in Minot,ND and Jess was flying the B-52. By then, Summer was born (11 months) and I loved having her in the "fam." I think this is also the year that I got to visit FL 3 times! Tiffiny's bridal shower, her wedding and my 10 year reunion! They were all a blast! I had my favorite calling which is a teacher in RS.
1 year ago: I was serving as the RS president and doing the things that go with it. Brenda, my dear friend from middle school in Germany, came for a visit to see if it really is that cold in ND! (It was!) Matthew, my 3rd baby was about 6 months old. We were counting down to leaving the military and wondering every day where we'd go and what job Jess would get.
Yesterday: This is going to be really telling! I spent the entire day in my pajamas! I cleaned a little, watch some TV on the Internet (I love no commercials!) and then hung some pictures. We had leftovers for dinner (am I a great Mom or what?!!) and I only changed out of my pajamas to don workout clothes that night! I watched American Idol and Sweet Home Alabama while I ran! FYI we live in Florida and Jess works for FPL-energy as a developer for wind projects.
Today: I took my kids to playgroup, fed them McDonald's on the way home. We wrote letters and I spent about an hour trying to research preschools in the area. By the way, this is really hard to do when you don't know the area or anyone in it. My favorite colors are now pink and purple. I have taken up tennis and love it. I love living in Florida!
Tomorrow: I am going visiting teaching and then maybe to the beach. In the early evening we are going out the the church ranch near St.Cloud for a rodeo. This should be fun. This is where I attended at least 1, maybe 2 years of girls camp.
I tag Maggie and Tiffiny.