Happy fall! I pulled out all of our fall/Halloween decorations yesterday so we could get into the fall spirit. I love,
love fall. I am trying to get into the mood. Fall decor, fall soups- but Florida is hard to take when fall rolls around. I am pretty sure I shouldn't be sweating so much while foraging around in the garage for my decor. It felt all wrong.
I think Florida is trying to make it up to me, because it was cool out this morning! Maybe we
can be friends after all, Florida.

Summer is not so excited about fall. She said it felt like winter out. Would any of you like to set her straight about that. It wasn't
that long ago that we left North Dakota! I mean, really. I'm certain shorts are not the attire of someone in the throws of winter. Maybe she's just sad that she is out and fall is in! Auf Wiedersehen!