We had a pool party at our community pool. The kids had a great time swimming. T. Jay is being Micheal Phelps at his party. Do you think I have been watching too much of the Olympics coverage? Nah!

Grammy flew in from Colorado for T Jay's birthday! The kids loved having her here.

We came back to our house for the snack, cupcakes and pinata. That fish was unbreakable! It's a good thing I didn't plan any other games, because the pinata took forever! They loved it!!

T. Jay just asked me why he didn't get 50 100 swings at the pinata. I don't think he realized that he almost did!

Aidan, Summer, T. Jay and Dallin

T. Jay told me months ago that he wanted a pogo stick for his birthday. I have know idea where he even learned that they existed, but after being told weekly for three months that he wanted one, I found this great beginner one from Fisher Price. He is up to about 12 bounces at a time now! I am so glad it didn't turn out to be one of those toys that he asked for and then never played with like his roller skates from last year!