Here you go Alissa and Abby:
1-What's your husband's full name?
Jess Aaron Melin (picture from our Wedding day, isn't he cute!)
2-How long have the two of you been together? We just had our tenth wedding anniversary.
3-How long did you date? About 10 months, although the actual "we're dating now" date is a little shady.
4-Who eats more? He does, although I could give him a pretty good run for his money. I try really hard not to, though.
5-Who said, "I love you, first?" I can't remember, but probably him.
6-Who is taller? He is. I'm 5'7" and he is 6'1"
7-Who sings better? - Neither of us sings well at all.
8-Who is smarter? We are smart in very different ways. He is extremely book smart and remembers everything, while I am very logical (I think of the obvious) and street smart and I remember odd things. Between us, helping the kids with homework should be covered!
9-Who does the laundry? Jess isn't allowed to do laundry because he just piles it up once it's clean. Any of you who know about my issues with wrinkles will see the problem with this!
10-Who does the dishes? I do.
11-Who sleeps on the right side of the bed? I do because I prefer to sleep closest to the door. I realize this preference also makes me the prime target for "middle of the night needs", but I do it anyway!
12-Who pays the bills? Jess does, he loves it and I do not mind letting him! He has pie charts, graphs and everything!
13- Who mows the lawn? Some lawn service that does the whole community.
14-Who cooks dinner? I do, but occasionally Jess will whip up breakfast or something from a box !
15-Who drives when you are together? He always does, I don't like to drive.
16-Who is more stubborn? We both are in our own ways, although I've got more stamina when it comes to being stubborn!
17-Who kissed who first? Jess did. Our kisses fit perfectly.
18-Who asked who out first? Our first date was an assigned date for a Singles ward dance. Oops, I'm wrong, our first date was to Outback steakhouse. He wanted to show off his new Jeep to me. I think we were still in the "friends" stage, but he paid so it was a date. Actually, I have no idea which one came first! 10 years was a long time ago!
19-Who proposed? Jess did. Even though we had talked about it some, I didn't even see it coming!
20-Who is more sensitive? Jess has a very tender side.
21-Who has more friends? Probably me, but I'm not sure
22-Who has more siblings? We are both from families of 5 kids, 4 boys and 1 girl. We are also both the 2nd child.
23-Who wears the pants in the family? I think that Jess wears the pants and I am the belt that holds them up! Without me, he's just mooning the world!!! Without him, I'm someone with a belt and no pants to hold up! We all have our jobs.
I tag Alli, Happy, Maggie, Tiffiny and Lindsay!