Yesterday, Summer was counting down the hours until she would be six. I'm not sure if I've seen such birthday excitement yet.

Hooray! Her Birthday is here! She's six!

Summer wanted a "kiss cake" and a kiss party for her birthday. I wasn't sure where to go with that, so I made up Mom's Kiss Cafe' and put kisses in all of the food. For her "kissy cake" I frosted a round cake in yellow frosting (her favorite color) and then put a few sets of wax lips on it. It turned out cute (you'll have to take my word, I forgot to take pictures!) and she thought I was the best Mom in the world for being so ingenious. T Jay had a little bit of a hard time with the attention directed at Summer. When the issue came to light, he said," nobody's ever made me a cafe'." Maybe this will be a continuing theme.

Me and my girl. Love you girlie! Happy Birthday!