We have had one school event after another lately. All of this was in a week! I can't imagine what life will be like when all 5 are in school! I might need to clone myself...actually, I need to go ahead and do that now! Anyone figure it out yet? No? Sigh.
T. Jay and Summer both did projects for the Science fair this year. They had a lot of fun. T Jay Experimented with paper airplane designs and Summer Experimented with turning grapes to raisins.

The Third grade did a program about the history of our town. It was adorable, and the songs were quite catchy. Two weeks later I still find myself busting out a mean rendition of "50 Nifty United States!"

He's all smiles for me!

Simon liked the show, too! Besides, every post needs a little baby cuteness!

Matthew's preschool class performed an Easter song for the parents.

Matthew with his teacher, Miss Corie. He loves her!

Candy hunt after Chapel. Matthew's speed and agility paid off in dividends for this activity!

Someone gave Lexi a bag. She was bewildered by the fact that all she had to do was bend over and pick up candy and it was hers! A thrilling concept for a 3 year old to discover!

We had a lunch in the classroom after. Lexi got right in there with the other kids. Matthew was so proud to have her right there with him. He loves to take care of her and show her how things work.

The 2nd grade did a program on Life cycles! It was really cute, also.

The group. Summer is on the bottom right corner. I like their bright colored sashes!

It makes me so happy that T Jay and Summer get so excited to see me when they are at school. I hope it lasts.
So there you have it! The week before spring break at school! Phew! It was a busy one, but I love getting to be there for my children!