On Monday night, we told the kids that we were going to Orlando to buy Daddy some work clothes. We didn't leave until 6pm, so I thought we might get questioned a little more. About half way there, Summer spoke up and said she thought we ought to get a hotel so we wouldn't have to drive back so late. Jess just told her, "okay, that's a great idea." An idea that was part of the plan all along! The kids asked us the next morning if they were going to miss school. Jess said they did miss their school at home, but that we were going to find a school in Orlando for them to go to. Immediatley, they all got shy and nervous and said they didn't like that idea. Jess just said that we would stop by and check it out and if they didn't like it, we could just go shopping. They all agreed to this and we set out to the park. As we pulled in to the parking area T Jay wondered why you had to pay to park at this school and that their school colors must be blue and yellow, because that's what all of the workers were wearing. Jess and I slyly smiled from the front seat. We finally told them as we were walking to the park that Hogwarts was the school we were taking them to. Cheers, excitement and relief came from Summer and T Jay. The younger two joined in on the celebration because that's what they do!
This was an extremely fun family day. Yesterday Matthew asked me if we could go back again the next day. He could not fathom why I said no.