We have started a goals program in our Relief Society (like a women's Sunday school). One of them is to read from the scriptures as a family everyday for one month. On the first day that we started, I read from the regular, adult set of scriptures, and I just explained the larger words and concepts to T Jay and Summer. Jess kept telling me that we should use the family set. I thought that he was referring to the children's one where they tell it more like a story. I told him that I wanted them to hear it like scripture, so I kept reading, about 5-10 verses each night. When Jess finally got me to understand that he meant the family one that has definitions and explanations at the bottom of each page we shifted to that one. Any way, Each night after I would read, T Jay and Summer would take a turn "reading" from their set. It is amazing how much he remembers from the verses that are being read. He would relay bits and pieces from what we had read. Summer, too. Last week was a night flying week, so Jess missed several of our reading sessions. When he was in the next one, he was blown away by the things that T Jay and even Summer were getting from the reading and how much of the stories they remember.
Now for the really cool part... We have been trying to teach T Jay that if he is ever scared or needs help in any way, that he can say and prayer and Heavenly Father will help bring him comfort. As I was sitting down here doing my blogging rounds, this is what we hear through the baby monitor which is in TJay's room: "Dear Heavenly Father, help me to not have bad dreams. Help me to sleep good. In the name of Jesus Christ, Amen." This isn't the first time that we have heard him give this prayer through the baby monitor. It is so cool to see that even at 3 and 5 years old, they are getting what we are teaching them. It really helps a Mother see that all of the effort is paying off. What a great gift to get to witness that.