Get ready for a baby Simon photo fest!!
Here are his stats.
Proud siblings meeting their baby brother for the first time.
So happy to finally hold him. I haven't heard anymore talk about a baby girl since he was born, so I guess she has decided to keep him!
Dutiful big brother.
So many big brothers
Lexi was probably the most excited to meet him. He's "her baby boy."
The crew! You don't know how hard it was to get 5 kids in one area for a picture. We did not succeed in getting eye contact from them. We take what we can get these days!
First family photo.
Our celebration dinner. Since we didn't get a date night in before he arrived, we'll consider this our date night.
Grammy and her latest (and greatest) grand baby!
Taking turns is so hard to do!
Future Dr.
Sad that she can't wear Matthew's flippers. Such a cute sad face, she'll go far in life!
Matthew, being Matthew.
Little Mommy.
Ready to go home. We had to stay the full two days since I didn't get enough of the GBS antibiotic before he was born. We had some great bonding time and rest with our extra day, but we were ready to go home. My back was killing me after sleeping in that hospital bed. My heart goes out to anyone who has to do that for any amount of time.
Ready to go!
Our brood!
Family of seven! Wow!
Look how full the car is with all of my precious cargo!
Lexi could not be happier to be a big sister! The jury is still out on how Simon feels about being the little brother to all of these siblings, but I'm sure he will come to love it!
So, there you have it. We are complete now. Now comes the task of settling into life with a new baby, in a new town, in a new house...Wish us luck, we're gonna need it!!!!