The girls before the concert began.

One of my friends asked me back in February if I would be interested in taking Summer to a Taylor Swift concert with a group of girls and their Moms. My first thought was, 'Are you crazy, she's way too young to go to a concert!" But as I thought about it, it sounded really fun, if nothing else for me! So we signed on to go! I am so glad we did, it was a great end of school/last hurrah with our friends before we move! I decided to get a
hotel room so that I wouldn't have to drive home so late at night. Summer and I left around three and checked into our room so we could paint our nails, fix up our hair and primp before heading over to the concert! Summer was in heaven. I am not sure if she was more excited for the concert, or to stay in a hotel together!

Summer and I. FYI, that's about a 27 week belly shot right there!
Our seats were amazing. They called it the sunset terrace. We were at the very top, so it wasn't too loud. They had a bar like table with bar chairs around it. There were only like 50 people in the section, so I didn't worry about Summer getting lost or taken. They had a buffet table set up for most of the night that had free hamburgers, Chicken fingers, fruit and cheese tray, veggies and a dessert tray. They also had a woman serving drinks all night! It was perfect. You can tell from the pictures that there was enough room between us and the other tables that the girls could get up and play around if they wanted! Such a perfect setup.

Summer, eating and showing off her glow before the concert.

The girls playing a game before the concert started.

Summer was very intently taking in her first concert experience. She was so cute. She also enjoyed dancing and singing along with the show. She was probably most
fascinated with all of the costume and set changes.

Me with my girl!

Dancing with her friend, Emilie to one of the songs.
We had a great time at the concert! We got back to our hotel around 11:30 and fell into bed. The next morning, we had breakfast and then went for a dip in the pool before we headed back for the Pinewood Derby. It was a great beginning to many awesome girls nights to come!