I have been totally slacker-ish with my blog lately. Big surprise there, right?! I think I just forget to take the time or forget that there is anything to mention. I have lots of "I should blog about that" moments, but unfortunately, most of them don't make it much further! For now, here are a few funny things I've taken pics of lately.

Summer is a fantastic little mommy! Simon felt right at home as he snoozed, sprawled out on her belly!

Cutest little swimmer ever! Thanks, Grammy!

Matthew arranged this picture for me before he fell asleep! What a little helper. I never know what I am going to find when I check on him each night!

Since I photographed Matthew I figured I should take pics of the rest. Not nearly as funny, but cuties, still. They are usually more entwined!

Mr hot feet, just like his Daddy!

We had fun friends over and were treated to a fashion show!

The options were endless! Look at that cutie pie baker!!
Oh, and guess what, I have a mechanic, now! We've always just gone to the dealer because we didn't know anyone good to go to. No more!! There was a light that came on in my car, so a friend recommended someone. He's awesome, diagnosed the problem on the spot, and didn't even charge me. He earned himself a batch of baked goodies!
More to come later! How much later? Hmmmm...