This is the only way to fly!!! It's an Ergo baby and it is the best baby carrier ever! It is small, simple and puts all of the baby's weight on your hips. I wore it all day and was not uncomfortable at all!

Jess thinks this is the happiest place on earth, too!

Making good use of their "line time." By the way, "fast passes" are the only way to go.

Matthew ran in circles for 20 minutes while we waited for Jess and T Jay at splash mountain. Run down the slide, around, up the ladder & down. Repeat!

Summer being silly while T. Jay is getting the bajeezies scared out of him on the Stitch ride! Seriously, if you go there with younger kids, think twice. T Jay, while I know he has a tendency to be easily frightened, was scared for at least 20 minutes after. We went to the Monster's Inc. Laugh floor to lighten the mood. He kept asking, "This is funny, right? Not scary."

T Jay and Buzz

Pretty Kool Kiddie Kats, eh?!!

Ahh the life of an 18 month old is grand. What I would have given to ride around with my feet up taking a nap! Now all he needs are some grapes and a fan!!