Knee high...to a B-52?!! T Jay and Summer got to go with Jess to see his plane. this is something that T Jay has wanted to do for a long time. They both loved it. T Jay came straight home and got the match box sized B-52 and started pointing out the things that Jess showed them. His favorite was the pee place. For some reason unconventional peeing methods (not in a regular toilet) intrigue him the most!

Bombs away!!! This is where the mighty BUFF carries it bombs.

Stick 'em up! This one should have been first, but whatever. This is the entry point to the flight line.

Summer hanging out the window of the "Wise Guy" Cutest pilot I've seen next to Jess.

Jess proudly showing off his babies. Oh yeah, and that's his plane in the back :)