So, our laundry room is situated nicely over the crawl space in our home. We never really considered this to be an issue until we started washing clothes! Our washing machine shimmies like a Beach Boy's song is
playin' on
the radio! It likes to move across the floor and shake any and everything off of it! Notice the 5 inch gap between it and the dryer? Maybe it has decided that the dryer has cooties or something. I thought it was our machine for a while and called a repair person. It was decided that the cause of the shaking was the hollow floor beneath it. I sure hope that it doesn't decide to move our laundry room
into the crawl space!! That would be bad! The shaking has gotten really bad, so this is a picture of Matthew and Jess holding it down!! Matthew thought it was great!
1 comment:
This really cracks me up. Ours dances a little bit, but only when I have large loads in there, or something heavy like towels or jeans. After those loads I have to push it back into place, but no more than 4-5 inches.
What's funny is on the spin cycle during these heavy loads, if I happen to be lying in bed, which is only 20 feet away, my bed shimmies. I guess it's like one of those old hotel beds that you hear about with the quarter slot!
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