It's official!! Jess gets his dream job working as a Project Manager developing wind projects! We are very excited to move to Florida. The FPL Energy headquarters is in Juno Beach, Florida! Wish us luck as we change climates with a temperature difference of 83 degrees! I think we are up to that challenge! All I can think of is that I won't have to begin bundling children 20 minutes before I have to leave to go somewhere! Here we go on our newest adventure!!!!
Woo Hoo! Congrats!! I'm so excited for you guys! Good luck as you prepare to move!
Hooray!!! Give your coats to some homeless people in North Dakota. You rarely even need a jacket here. Congratulations!! It will be nice to have you here, even if its on the other side of the state.
What fun! Congratulations! I bet you are so excited to be back in Florida again!!
Yea!!! Good luck to you guys! That is a pretty good Christmas gift. Good luck with the move.
Congratulations! We are sooo excited for your family. You'll only be 2 1/2 hours away from us. We will have to get together sometime. Hey, you can use us as babysitters when you go to the temple. We are only 10 minutes from there :).
Yea! Congrats! That is so fun...your kids are going to L-O-V-E being 2 1/2 hours from Disneyworld - I know Evan would! I have friends (a girl I trained on the mission) who lives in Vero Beach (an hour away) and she loves it. It is so gorgeous down there!
WHOOHOO!! I am so excited for you guys!! Wish I was moving to FL ;)
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