We had a pool party at our community pool. The kids had a great time swimming. T. Jay is being Micheal Phelps at his party. Do you think I have been watching too much of the Olympics coverage? Nah!

Grammy flew in from Colorado for T Jay's birthday! The kids loved having her here.

We came back to our house for the snack, cupcakes and pinata. That fish was unbreakable! It's a good thing I didn't plan any other games, because the pinata took forever! They loved it!!

T. Jay just asked me why he didn't get 50 100 swings at the pinata. I don't think he realized that he almost did!

Aidan, Summer, T. Jay and Dallin

T. Jay told me months ago that he wanted a pogo stick for his birthday. I have know idea where he even learned that they existed, but after being told weekly for three months that he wanted one, I found this great beginner one from Fisher Price. He is up to about 12 bounces at a time now! I am so glad it didn't turn out to be one of those toys that he asked for and then never played with like his roller skates from last year!
Looks like I missed a great party. How fun. Love that the pinata was super strong. That is awesome. Glad to know it is not just me.
P.S. Love the Michael Phelp pix!!
TJay, we really, really missed you this weekend! It looks like you had a fun birthday, but it would have been so fun to party down at the ranch with all the Melin cousins in town! Danny was really outnumbered by girls this time--I bet he missed you the most! Good luck in school this year! We love and miss you (and Sum-sum and Matthew, too)--Love, Aunt Jamie , Uncel Rich, Addie, Heidi, and James Ole
PS: We are taking good care of your daddy, but he really misses all his kiddos!
i wish i could have been there, it looks like everyone had a great time! i didn't know they made beginners pogo sticks, that cool. dallin and leanne have also been asking for one also, maybe they seen it on tv.
Look out, it the goof troop ;) It was such a wonderful party and thank you so much for inviting us!! TJ is such a sweet, sweet boy.
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