Life is getting very interesting with Matthew lately. This past week he gave me quite the scare. I was sitting by the door of our porch while the kids were playing out side. I always keep close tabs on Matthew because he tends to disappear a lot-and he's fast! I was talking to a friend and when I glanced back to check on him, he was gone. I immediately checked our neighbors swing set and he was not there. My next thought was that he went to the front. I ran around there and I couldn't see him. There were a few boys playing so I asked them if they had seen a baby come out there. They told me that he went in to the garage that was across the street. I went over there and peered into their open garage, but I couldn't see him! I started to panic, so I turned around and headed toward our house and called his name. Just as I did, I heard the door from the house of the people with the open garage door open and then close and then Matthew called back to me! He came running out of their garage and across the street! So, he had gone into their house through the garage!
Argh! I have no idea if they know that their house was invaded by a two year old or not!

This is also last week. I put "Go Diego! Go!" on for him to watch while I took a shower. This usually paralyzes him long enough for me to get clean. This day, I guess he decided that he was hungry and went for the
un-frosted cupcakes that I forgot about for Halloween! There was about a dozen plus cupcakes in there to start.

I have also cleaned up mashed potatoes, frosting, Red Crystal Light powder and just this morning an entire box of Honey-Nut Cheerios. My vacuum has cleaned up more food off of the floor than it was probably designed for, but it's keeping pace nicely!
Other skills Matthew has acquired are: climbing the book shelves, the toy room shelves, and the pantry shelves. He realized that he can haul his kiddie chair around to reach things on the counters or use drawers to climb. We had to turn the door handle to his room around to lock him in so that he will lay down and go to sleep. If he thinks he can escape, it's all he can think about! You should see how well he can hop over his crib gate!
He has also figured out that he is now tall enough to unlock the door that leads to the garage. I have found him out there quite a bit. I found that if I hang a step ladder over the door handle and put it between the wall and dryer that he can't get through that...yet. I have also since bungee corded the pantry shut. It's only a matter of time before he figures that out, but hopefully it will last us until we get our own place and I can lock every thing up properly!! It's a good thing that he has such an adorable smile and gives such great kisses and hugs. I'm not sure how I would deal with all of this with out them!
It sounds like you're describing Garett. He actually told some kids at the park that his name is George. Pretty accurate if you ask me...
Garett's favorite thing to do right now is help himself to anything in the fridge. Tomorrow we're getting a fridge lock...I can't take it anymore!
But, he's the sweetest boy on the planet...love him to pieces, even though I'm constantly rescuing the house from his adventures...
Poor Kelli, I have to admit you are taking all this a lot better than I think I would. A mother's LOVE! :) Good luck with GEORGE:).
Oh my gosh Kelli! I thought Scott was bad, but I don't know what I would do with Matthew! No wonder why you keep in such good shape! When I read the first story and then followed down to the cupcake picture I thought maybe he got into the neighbors food, but then I kept reading. Hey- I guess he could have and that would have been much worse! :) What are you going to do with this kid? You are going to have to keep him super busy because he gets bored so easily! Scott is the same way. Oh and I love the story a few posts down about Mary and her little lamb. Too cute!
LOL!!! He is awesome. He sounds an awful lot like Sawyer at that age. He was up on the top of the monkey bars at 2! That is hilarious that he just walked into your neighbor's house. Love HIM!!!
Holy cow! Um...how do you have any energy at the end of the day?
Oh, my. Now you know why we have those annoying fridge locks. And the slide lock on the pantry door and the food storage room. Heidi has passed the naughty torch to James, but I don't tink he will ever equal her feats. How many bottles of powder? How many dozens of eggs? How many MAC lipsticks? I shudder to think...
God sure is tricky, putting those mischievous spirits into such adorable bodies, with such big, lovey hearts!
We miss Matthew! (and all our cute Jellis!)
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