Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Kids learn something new every day!

On Sunday as we were driving home from church, T Jay noted some people in our neighborhood who were walking home from the pool. T Jay wanted to know how come they weren't at church. Jess explained to him that not all people choose to go to church. T Jay's response, "You mean you get to CHOOSE?!!" Jess told him that yes, when he was older he did get to choose. Jess also asked him what he thought he might choose. He said, "I think I'll keep going to church." Then he broke out in a Primary song. His quote is our family saying of the week.


The Addams Family said...

I had a similar conversation with Robert a few months ago when he saw our neighbor out washing his car as we were leaving for church. It took me back for a minute, then I realized that in his mind, everyone went to church, and not just any church, but OUR church. He asked a while ago why we don't get mail on Sunday. I told him it was so that the mail carriers could have a day off to go to church. That next Sunday as we were sitting in Sacrament meeting, he was looking around the chapel and when I asked who he was looking for, he told me, "the mailman."

Anonymous said...


Buxton Family said...

What a great quote. It looks like you had a wonderful Christmas. I love the webcam idea. I'm glad your mom got to see their cute faces on Christmas morning!


Kelli and Jess,
I am so glad to see how you all are doing, we've all come such a long way from Del Rio! Please take care and Merry Christmas!
Love, Bryan and Jessie Graddy

schlenskefamily said...

I love it! What a good kid. I have a hard time explaining that people can still be good even when they don't choose what we know to be right. The concept that what we know, not all know, so therefore they are not evil, is hard for kids to understand. I am glad to know, and thankful for children who WANT to choose right.
I hope it's okay I put you as a link on our blog.?

Unknown said...

Love the cute pictures and the commentary. Thanksk for sharing. Your pregnancy picture is so cute. You are glowing!!
Love, Rach