It was 20 degrees today, but we needed to get out of the house and burn some energy. The kids love to shovel snow. Our driveway was clear, but they like to just move snow from point A to point B.

This is a very old newspaper that Summer found while digging. She was very pleased with her "buried treasure".

T Jay is showing off his "snow shoveling muscles!
I love the pictures! It looks like you had a great time with the kids out shoveling. It's good to hear that you haven't had to shovel the driveway since I left.
Love You!
Hey Sis!!! I love the page!!! I think the pic of Summer in the make-up is just to die for it's great! So I had to start one of these blog thingy's too to post this so you'l have to give me some pointers on what to do and hopefully we can keep people up to date on what's happening with us here too!
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