Saturday, March 10, 2007

My sweet angel boy.

Tonight while I was sitting in the boy's room nursing Matthew, T Jay sat up in his bed and asked me who my best friend was. I told him that Daddy was my best friend, that's part of why I married him and that I hoped when he got married the girl he picked would be his best friend, too. He looked at me a little funny and then said, "but Mom I am going to marry you. I'm gonna get you a crown and a ring, 'cause I love you." Melt my heart, right?! He then went on to talk about how my crown was going to be shiny gold, or maybe shiny red. To this I asked him if he wanted his to be shiny red, since that's his favorite color. To this he said, "no only girls have crowns, I just want a ring or maybe I do want a crown-yes, a crown AND a ring." And then he went on to say how He was still going to be my son and I was going to be his Mom and Dad would still be his Dad. After a few minutes of talking about this he looks at me and says,"well, I had better get some rest now." and he laid down!!! It was one of the most precious moments ever. It reminded me of that country song,"I'm already taken". Way too cute.


Maggie Roe said...

You really do have a sweet boy there.

Jamie said...

awwww. Addie wanted to marry TJAy for a while...too bad for her! It's a shame when all the nice boys are your cousins!