Every night when I'm getting Summer ready for bed, this is her routine: we get a bath, then
jammies, brush teeth, read a story & give kisses and hugs to any and everyone who is in the house. From there, she runs into my bathroom telling me that she needs to go potty! Note that this is the only time of day that she is willing to use the toilet because she has picked up that it buys her a little more time! She will sit in the bathroom for as long as I will let her or until she uses the bathroom, the latter doesn't usually come first. You'll note in the picture, she isn't really concerned with actually going to the bathroom, just goofing off! She sits like that forever, but I don't want to discourage her. Once I get her into her bed, she needs "lips" (
chap stick)-she actually says, "my lips is
owee." then she tells me, "I so berry, berry hungry." My reply to this is that I will make breakfast for her in the morning. To this she says, "OK" and goes to bed. I can't remember a night where we haven't gone through all of this. She likes to make sure that she has covered every angle before she can give in to go to sleep. Even tonight, she started crying about 20 minutes after I put her to bed. When I went to check on her, she had put the elastic from her hair on her foot and it had cut her circulation off! Silly Summer!
funny, when we are older, all we want is time to go to bed. ah...to be young again.
I would take her to bed I love them very young and sooooooooooo tight
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