I am very nervous. I have just gone through the house and cleansed it of scissors. You would have to rival Sherlock Holmes to find a pair at this point. Why? I just did a quick touch up on T Jay's hair because there were a few hairs that I missed last week when I cut his hair. Summer came in as I was doing this and kept telling me that she wanted to cut her her. I told her that girls only go to the beauty salon to get their hair cut, hoping that the sound of that would appeal to her. She kept holding it out and saying, "I don't want hair." So, if you see a post with a bald or choppy haired Summer, be sure that I am crying here at home.. I know that she will do it eventually, I just can't bear to think of it!!
Oh my goodness I hope not. But I seem to remember when TJay did it. Yes, I am sure it's going to happen. Might not be today, might not be tomorrow, might not even be next week, but I have a feeling it will happen.
Don't let your guard down. HIDE those scissors. And stay on top of Jess... chances are it will be him who forgets and lays them down. (Sorry Jess- definitely not trying to sell you out here... hoping that a little reverse psychology will do the trick!)
...Or Summer will watch you one day and devise and evil plan on how to stack a basket on top of a play table and open a drawer to get to the jar where you have hidden the scissors, than take them in the closet and chop off her own hair and her baby sister's too...oh, wait, no--those are MY DAUGHTERS! I hope that doen't happen to you, because I just don't think Heidi's 'do will work on Sum-sum! But if it DOES happen, she'll still be adorable!
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