Look at our big boy! He has learned so much this past month. In the picture, you can see he has learned to stand by himself. He can do this for about 10-20 seconds, depending on how excited he is. On August 7th, he said his first word. I had just gotten him out of his crib and took him to look in the mirror. I was holding him close and he laid his head against me and said,"Mama!" Of course my heart melted. He has also learned to nod his head, yes. I asked him if he liked what he was eating, and shook his head. It's very cute! He is also an accomplished climber. I can't believe that he is getting so big! My sweet little mama's boy!
I can't believe how big Matthew is getting! He'll be running before you know it! Robert is 3 1/2 - just a couple months older than Summer. Yes, let's arrange their betrothal!
What a sweet little baby in a sweet little outfit. You sure do dress him well!
Kelli he is so cute! I love overalls. Also, I did the map and I'm jealous, I've only seen like 4 or 6% of the world. Guess it's time to travel!
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