Yesterday I took Summer and Matthew to Bismark to see the My Little Pony show. We had a great time. Summer was leery of the costumes because she doesn't like any costumed characters, but when she saw that we were going to stay at a safe distance she was thrilled!

Matthew enjoying the show.

My prissy little girl.

Getting ready to go to the "Biggest Tea party ever!"

Sharing popcorn with her friend "wen" (Gwen)! We had a great day, and when we got home, Jess asked her to tell him about it she kept saying, "I don't remember."
What a cute outfit Summer has on! I didn't even know My Little Pony was still around! That's awesome! What a fun thing to do!
Oh my, Summer sure is adorable! So I guess TJay opted to skip the My Little Pony show? Everyday after preschool I ask Robert what he did or learned about, and he always says,"I don't remember." Glad to know Summer does that too!
Hil-arious. Who knew that My Little Pony is still popular?!
Ya know Kristina, after we got home and T Jay saw the pictures of where we went while he was in school, he kept saying,"But I wanted to go see the ponies. Why didn't you bring me?" over and over! I didn't tell him about it on purpose!
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