A sorry attempt at getting a picture for Grandpa Riggs of the kids together. He grew up in Kanab.

Ready to go "hiking." (It's Florida after all, hiking takes on more of a walking meaning!)

T. Jay takes the lead with the GPS. For those of you who don't know, Geo caching is basically using your GPS to "treasure" hunt by using coordinates to find a stash. Usually a box of odd items and a log book to sign. It's hiking with an added purpose!

Daddy and the kids.

The kids loved finding this turtle. We also got to see a baby turtle as well. Very interesting. Matthew especially likes turtles!
It looks like your kids had a great time! They're so cute! My kids love to go geocaching with their daddy too. They call it treasure hunting. :)
Never hear of geocaching!! It looks fun. That is one big turtle. What a neat idea!!
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