For the past month or so, Matthew has been climbing out of his crib. At first it was only during nap times, and I would go and put him back in his bed once he fell asleep. Yes, I lock his door until he is asleep-gasp! I think the dark deterred him at night time, but he has since overcome this and has started climbing into bed with T. Jay after he's done playing around and decides that he is tired after all. Sometimes he will even swipe T. Jay's blanket and cover himself up. I guess it's time for a big boy bed.
I am so used to looking at someone Matthew's size that when I scrolled down to the second picture and saw how long TJay's legs were I thought it was trick photography!
Oh- and if you think a big boy bed is going to deter him from getting into bed with TJay, you are fooling yourself! You might want to invest in one of those full on the bottom, twin on the top bunk beds. :) Oh, the joys of multiple boys. I'll know in just a few days if I'll be dealing with this in just a few years myself!
Those pictures are SOOO sweet!!! What a sweet memory! I can't believe how much more physically agile Matthew is than Teya. She has never even thought of climbing out of her crib. What a difference being a boy and having older siblings must make.
Go Matthew!
Awww.....he is so cute. I can't believe he is ready for a big boy bed already. 20 bucks says he still crawls in bed with Tjay, but at least Tjay will have a bed to get into.
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