T Jay and Summer took charge of decorating Matthew's cake. I did the chocolate part and the Diego faces, then they went to town with the sparkle gel frosting! They had a blast and Matthew loved it!

See, loved it!

I'm not sure what they are doing in this picture, aside from just plain being silly. Summer and I (but mostly Summer- she's obsessed with coloring) colored these Diego pictures and hung them on the walls. Matthew liked this as well. He went around the room and told us what each picture was.

Matthew in his new Diego jammies playing with his new Diego toys. Can you tell he likes Diego? He had a great birthday. I sang Happy Birthday to him a lot through out the day. He would sit there and listen and grin and then when I was done, he would blow as if to blow out the candle. By the way, he blew out his own candle without any help! Now I just wonder what he wished for.
Hey - just wanted to let ya know that we had our baby girl! Check out our blog to see some pics. Congrats on being prego, do you know what you're having yet? I can't believe Matthew is already two...we've never met him, sad huh? He seems like such a clown. Guess we need to plan a trip to Florida. Hope all is great, we miss you guys!
Happy Birthday to Matthew! What a cutie!
I can't believe he is 2! Seriously, where does the time go? I think I want to find the hiding spot & take back a few years!! I love that he loves Diego!! I love the rescue pack song!!
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