We found out today that we are having a GIRL. This puts us at even numbers for all. Well, Toro (cat) is a male, but technically an it so I didn't count him as swaying our numbers! When the ultra sound began, she started at the head and worked her way down. T Jay kept bouncing up and down and asking when she was going to tell us what we were having! When they found out, they jumped up and down, clapped and giggled. T Jay even said, "Now we can name it Lisa!" We're not naming her Lisa, I don't know where he has even heard that name. I told him he could put in requests, but Mama gets to pick! He also said, "I guess Jesus just wanted things to be even." I guess so!
lisa? is there a girl at school named lisa? that is so funny. hahaha. congrats!
Ahhh!!! Congrats! That is so exciting!!! I can't wait to hear what you're going to name her!
Yeah for girls!!!!!! How fun for Summer too. We are happy for you!
Yay!! Congrats on your baby girl!!
Congratulations!! How sweet to bring home a baby sister. Even numbers are GREAT too!
Yeay, I was right, do I get a prize?? Grin. I am so happy for you. I bet Summer is over the moon!! So, if her name isn't Lisa, what is it??
Summer will have a sister! I'm so excited for her. I'm excited to hear what name you do choose.
Congratulations! That's so exciting for you guys! And too funny about the name Lisa! Kids think of the weirdest things!
Hooray for girls! We're so excited for you guys, congrats!
We are sooo happy for you. We can't wait to here what you are going to name her and meet her.
Congrats. I had no idea you were pregnant. Maybe I missed a post somewhere. I'm jealous.
Oh good, I was worried all those dress up clothes were going to be neglected! =) Congrats! Sorry it's still hot! I REALLY feel for you!
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