I went to check on Matthew after a bit to see if he was asleep. Instead of finding a peacefully slumbering baby, I found one that thought he may have a touch of diaper rash...on his hands. Well, Problem solved.

We should see improvements by this evening. Don't you know the more you use the faster you see results!! Since he used Burt's Beeswax diaper creme, his room has a nice geriatric smell to it. So fresh and minty! I guess it's time to empty out the drawer in the changing table.
I have seriously never seen anything like him. Fast as lightening and can find/get into anything! How funny!!
You are so funny. So are your kids. :)
Hi Kelli,
Hope you guys are doing great. Where did you get the airplane rug in the baby's room? I love it! You can answer as a comment on my blog if you want...it's andynandimcelvaine.blogspot.com. Thanks!!
That is awesome. How on earth did he do such a good job covering the entire hand?? Is it sad that I love that geriatric smell??
What you may not have realized through all of that mess is that he learned something from you. He knows what diaper cream is and he knows to get it all over his hands!
I guess you can be thankful that he didn't pull his clothes and diaper off (like he normally does) and sometime during the hour or so you were letting him "sleep" he had to go potty!
See- I found two silver linings! He's an AMAZING kid!
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