At least a couple of times a month our kids will be downstairs clanking around in the kitchen and then come upstairs and tell us that "they are very sorry but they have cut up our table into tiny little pieces." As they lead us down to where the table is with our eyes closed, they give us a hearty "TaDa!" and show us that in fact they have set the table up for breakfast for us. This picture is from the time before, but this morning was one such morning. They chose well as I couldn't drag out of bed this morning due to my "bouncy" night of sleeping with the barking (cough), fevered, flip-flopping Matthew. He used my cold belly to cool off from his fever. Pretty funny. Anyway, I figured that this table cutting needed to be documented. Enjoy.
What a cute memory! And what cute kids!! Sorry that Matthew is sick, so are my kids- I think everyone has something right now!
How funny did they just randomly come up with that on their own.
That's hilarious - cutting up the table! LOL
They're probably thinking, "I can't believe Mom and Dad fall for that every time." :)
Your kids are adorable. How can they not be with you and Jess as parents. I can tell you have tons of fun together.
Love it! They are so funny!
I love it. I have a mental image of Matthew cooling off on your tummy, it is quite nice. How thoughful they would set the table for you.
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