T Jay started taking tennis lessons about 3 weeks ago. He really has been enjoying them. The first week he saw a poster with some male tennis players on it that had a wrist sweat band on, so this week he wanted his sweat band and his hat on backward, you know, to look the part and all.

His favorite game is called "Poison ball" I think they practice jumping out of the way of balls on that one. Isn't he so cute?!

Summer passing the time. She has since started to attend gymnastics. Now that T Jay has seen all of the fun "things" that she gets to "play" on at gymnastics, he wants to switch to that. We may have a jack of all sports on our hands. Come to think of it, he does get distracted easily...
How fun! I keep getting excited thinking of the lessons Teya will be able to take in the future. Jared is going to start giving her tennis lessons when she turns 3. Very basic, fun lessons of course since she is so young, but it should be fun.
Love the sweatband and backwards hat!
Move over Andre here comes TJay. I love it!! Have to agree with Maria & the backwards hat comment. So cute!!
He is very cute! I think he looks the part for sure.
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