I have two funny stories from the weekend, Enjoy:
We had lunch at the Panda Express at the Mall food court. The kids were really excited. After eating, we headed to do some shopping. T Jay was running down the hall with his fortune cookie in hand when he tripped and fell, sending his cookie flying. I picked it up for him (Jess was picking him up) and read the fortune that was inside. Ironically it said," Don't make haste, opportunity will find you." If only he would have read his fortune before he took off running, he wouldn't have "yard sale-d" himself along the food court. The food court spectators who watched this gave Jess and I funny looks for laughing at the situation. Too bad they weren't privy to the info in the cookie, they would have thought it was funny, too.
The next one happened on Saturday morning. The kids wanted to go swimming, eat at the pancake house and go to the science museum. Logistically, I thought it was best to swim first, get everyone dressed for the day, then eat and head to the Science museum. Jess thought that we should eat first, to avoid the Saturday crowds and then swim and then go to the science center. We did it my way (not really any surprises, right?!) but as we were talking about whether it was the most efficient, we started to get irritated with each other and I made a comment along the lines of,"well lets just start the day out with you being mean to me." T Jay was listening to our conversation and told me that "you shouldn't start the day out with mean, you should end it with mean." We laughed, and then after more thought, he said,"actually, you should just leave mean out of the day, ya know?" That was it, tension gone between us! Such smart words from a 6 year old. It's now on the list of favorite family sayings.
So cute!! Kids are awesome!
That is a great story. I have to agree...mean should be left out of the day.
Funny...Can't believe how big he is. That is a quote-able quote if I ever heard one...watch out, you may just see it in vinyl lettering on my wall one day. :)
How ironic! Jake and I were at the Orlando Temple this weekend too! We went on Friday night. Then we went to Kennedy Space Center on Saturday.
Too bad we didn't know... we might have been able to meet up for a quick soda or something.
Sounds like you had a good time!
We had so much fun with you guys. Come back soon!!!
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