You've come, well, a little bit of the way, baby!

I uploaded the wrong picture for age 4 in 2008, and the OCD in me couldn't bring myself to add it out of order. (Does anyone know how to change the order they are uploaded in after it's already uploaded?)
Summer's 5 favorite things:
1. Anything to do with art. He favorite color is yellow right now.
2. kissing (I don't look forward to her being a teen, for many reasons)
3. Writing the alphabet
2. kissing (I don't look forward to her being a teen, for many reasons)
3. Writing the alphabet
4. Baby Alexis- she even got to change a diaper all by herself! She was in Heaven!
5. reading books
My favorite 5 things about Summer:
1. Her smile.
2. the letters and drawing that she makes me.
3. How helpful she is with Alexis
4. She is pretty darn funny.
5. I like doing projects with her
Happy Birthday baby girl!
Happy Birthday baby girl!
Happy Birthday cute girl!
Kelli, I don't know what kind of computer you have, but I can drag and drop things to move pictures on my PC, but my MAC won't let me move the pictures for some reason.
Happy Birthday Summer! Wow, I can't believe it's been 5 years!! Still so sweet!!
She's such a mini-you! ADORABLE!
Happy Birthday Summer! I loved seeing the pictures from each year, and you can definitely tell she looks more and more like her mommy each year!
Yeah I can drag and drop my pics into different order.
Happy birthday Summer! It's a good thing that we don't live near eachother...Joey loves to kiss, too!
Happy Birthday Summer! We enjoyed her b-day party. My computer is only letting me see half the pictures you posted. :( I love the one year old one, she is so cute!
I can drag and drop the pictures after I've uploaded them, but it's a little tricky.
I am refusing to believe she is 5. Nope, not going to listen. This makes me sad cos I haven't gotten to see her the past 2 years. Not happy about that. But on a cheerier note, she is beautiful and I am so happy she still loves to do art. She is so sweet. I can't believe she changed a diaper! She is awesome.
YAY, Sum-sum! Hope you had a great birthday! We thot of you while we were playing in San Diego!
Kelli, you can change the order of photos in blogger by clicking the "EDIT HTML" tab (next to the "COMPOSE" tab) where you write your post. Each photo begins with the less than sign plus a lower case "A" and ends with >, so you can cut and paste the code anywhere as long as you highlight from a-to-a :) Then clik back to "COMPOSE" mode to make sure it looks right.
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