Note that row of cups on the wall behind you. Having a Mother who barely (if at all) scrapes the 5 foot mark (sorry, Mom) I have to be mindful of myself at all times in her house. These cups that are eye level for her are right at shoulder level for me. I can't tell you how many times I chimed those cups walking by! It's a little like being an almost giant in an almost little persons house! stools everywhere, etc.! I love you Mom!
We got to go to my Mom's church picnic with her. The kids had tons of fun running around this huge park. Oh, that sweet face! I cna't begin to tell you how much I enjoyed the awesome, dry weather in CO. I loved the cool nights. I wanted to sit in lawnchair outside and just enjoy being cold on Mother Nature's dime!
The children got to bath and walk my Mom's dog "Magic (pronounced majeeck)." They loved playing with him, and his really cool retractable leash. By the way, those kinds of leashes are good for way more than just walking dogs!
We went to Garden of the Gods to climb around and play with Uncle Carson's rock crawlers.
Anyone else nervous? I had him put his monkey backpack on right after I took this. I really didn't need to lose him over the cliffs! No fear, I tell you.
Summer coming down with the little car. I love this park. Great hiking trails and beautiful scenery. Jess and I went one of our first dates here to see the sun rise.
All of the cousins present posing for a picture. Amanda (Carson) and Caevin (Chris) and Brittany (Chris' wife) are on the right.
Check out the storm in the background! I had two requests for my trip. One was obviously to survive and enjoy the trip and the other was that I could have at least one cold, rainy day. I love rain, which we have plenty of here in FL, but I really love cold rain. I was blessed abundantly, I think I got three or four rainy days in CO and even more in MT.
So, that was our trip to CO, plus lots of cousin time & relaxing. Oh and remember that post where Jess and I declared our independence from being obsessed with desserts, well that didn't work on vacation! My brother Chris and I made cookies several times and compared notes. We used to call Chris "cookie boy" when we were kids because he always made cookies for the fam. Thanks for the fun visit, Mom!
Cute pictures! Wish we could have been there too! The kids are getting so big and Alexis is the cutest thing ever! Love her big smile!
Looks like sooo much fun. Love that you put Matthew's monkey pack on him. He is aweseome. Alexis is sooooo cute. Wish I could hold her!
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