This little hat is from our dress up box. I think it was Matthew who put it on her and she didn't mind at all. She must be all girl.
She's already not listening to me about standing up. Doesn't she know that she is too young? How many times will I say that to her in life? Yep, so, we're in trouble!
She is really good at pulling up now. She has even figured out how to sit down after getting up. I think it's cute when they figure out how to get up but then are terrified once they get there and realize they can't get down. I spent a lot of time re-laying her down in her crib for about two weeks. Now if she could only find her own pacifier in the dark, we'd be set.
I am not fond of her uber-mobile-ness because not only is she our last, so we want to enjoy the baby stage as long as possible, Matthew did all of those things early, and we all know how "busy" he is. How could I survive two?
She is SO pretty!!! I can't believe how much she looks like your other kids. They are all pretty darn cute!
Has it already been 6 months? Wow, she has gotten so big AND of course she is so adorable.
She's a teeny-weeny-supergirl! She DOES seem 2B following in Matthew's footsteps, but I will pray 4U, 4 ALL OF U, that that doesn't happen! ;)One monkey per family--that's the rule, right? On a lighter note, Lexi is the size our kids were at 3 mos. In fact, James was 20 lbs 4 oz and 27.5 " at 6 months. He didn't really feel like a baby anymore, but I still rocked him and cuddled and made it last!!! I hope that little stinker doesn't walk before the new year...YIKES! Anyway, we love and miss you guys A LOT! Addie is reading over my shoulder and says we need a cousin skype date soon! :)
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