I had the bright idea last spring to buy an indoor table (cheap at a garage sale) and refinish it with outdoor stain to use as our patio table. This table was really easy to strip because it only had a thin layer varnish on it. We got it sanded really nice and Jess stained it. Being an amateur, he didn't know and I didn't remember until it was too late, that you brush the stain on and then wipe off the excess. We have to re-strip it and start over. Fun, fun, fun!

Safety first!! In order to include the kids in the job, Jess pulled out the air compressor and let the kids blow the wood dust away.

This is an antique table and chairs that my Aunt Sweetie Pie brought me when she came for Thanksgiving! I love it. We spent a good deal of time that week/weekend stripping the table and chairs. My Mom and I finished the stripping and began the sanding. I have one chair left to strip and then I can begin the many phases of sanding. I have, indeed, lost momentum! I am preparing for a Christmas party at my house. When that is done maybe I'll get back to work. For now, my garage holds two unfinished tables, 6 chairs and is covered with wood dust. Hmmm, am I a refinishing fool or a fool for refinishing? I'll let you know!
When in the world did you have time to post this today??? You are amazing. If I could do half as much as you, I'd feel pretty awesome.
i agree with happy!
Sweet!! I love projects!! Wish I was there to help you!
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