Bedtime, like many houses I'm sure, can be quite the ordeal around here. We were having trouble putting our kids to bed and after an hour or two of struggles we thought we had won. About 2.5 hours later lil miss Summer came down the stairs much to our surprise. Needless to say she was not met with the sweetest of attitudes. We gave her a stern look and asked in our most frazzled voices "Why in the world are you still awake? What have you been doing up there all this time?". Her answer will never be forgotten. She sweetly replied, "I've been reading the Bible". At this point we looked at each other and started laughing nearly uncontrollably because we never expected an actual perfectly acceptable answer! Matthew had received a rather thick children's Bible from his Christian pre-school and Summer had sat down and read it cover to cover over the space of a couple of hours.
It can be tough handling all of our children, especially at the end of a long day when everyone is tired. It's moments like these that continue to make it all worth it!
That is soo cute. We love you Summer.
I love her! That's so cute!
I'm highly impressed that you were still awake 2.5 hours after you put her to bed. I'm usually in bed 2.5 minutes after I shut their doors.
That is awesome! Such a funny girl! I hope you guys are doing well! I sure miss you!! I really regret taking that last year-ish that we lived so close for granted and not getting together with you more! Good friends are hard to come by!
Oh, and guess what, I live about 15 minutes away from Andrea now! How funny is that?!
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