Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Quote of the day...

We ran a couple of errands this morning. One of our stops was Target. If you don't know, Summer can experience up to 26 different emotions in any one setting and today was no different! She was upset about getting the boot from the extended seats connected to the cart for repeatedly stepping on T Jay and moved to the basket portion of the cart. Her response, "I just can't deal with this." Very forlornly! (followed by a lot of screaming and crying.) Yes, ladies and gentleman of Target, I do have my hands full, they do keep me busy & it's not any more fun for me than it is for you! Probably less because I get to take 'em home, too! Luckily, by the time we got home one of her other emotions had taken over and she was apologetic! Sheesh! Girls!


The Schooley's said...

Loved it!! I miss my Summer!!

The Addams Family said...

Ha ha! "I just can't deal with this." I can just picture her saying that! Sorry you had a bad Target experience, but in a way, it makes me feel better to know that I'm not the only one with difficult kids at the store. I usually don't even take Robert with me anymore because he's too much of a loose canon. BTW, did you hear that NKOTB is getting back together? Watch the Today show tomorrow because they're going to be on. I'm such a nerd because I'm 29 years old and I'm actually excited about it!

Happy said...

Too cute! Teya and Summer sound like they are a lot alike. I feel like I get a good taste of what Teya will be like in a couple of years when I read about Summer! I'm glad I had my girl first so that I didn't get spoiled with an unemotional boy first! Too funny!