I haven't posted hardly any pictures of the crazies that go on here in a few months due to my extreme first trimester tiredness, so I thought I'd share a few random moments. I guess the more kids you have, the more tired you are when you are pregnant. It's just a theory but I am done testing it so I guess it will have to stay a theory!

This hoop skirt goes under Summer's Cinderella dress up dress. Matthew likes to wear it around the house. I guess he feels pretty, oh so pretty!

Summer started with "fixing" Jess' hair and then moved on to Matthew's. Doesn't he look fit for, well, nothing I guess. But they had tons of fun!

This is what happens when Matthew is left in his chair too long and he is done eating!

"I'm ready to work at the ranch, Daddy!"

Summer "fixed" her hair after school this day. She was very proud of her work and walked around like our house was a catwalk for the rest of the day!
I'll second that theory!
Cute pictures! Hope you are feeling better now... and I sure hope it doesn't get worse with each one because I was tired and lazy with my 2nd! You are such a Super Mom Kelli!
I can't wait to visit so Summer can "fix" my hair!
I would prance around with her hair do too!! I loved seeing pix. I have missed the kiddos & you of course. Wish Summer could give me a makeover!!
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