Thursday, September 25, 2008

A Minute to dwell

I was thinking about my kids this morning. I am so lucky to get to spend my time shaping these little people. It's a HUGE job, but they just make me so darn happy! A little cheesy I know, but every time I see Matthew hopping his way somewhere or watch Summer meticulously draw something and when T Jay tells me about something he tried that was new it makes me beam. I'm so thankful that God trusted me to take care of them. Sometimes I can't hug and kiss them enough!
After T Jay got out of school, we played at the nearby park. I overheard T Jay ask some other boys, who were a little older, if he could play with them. They declined his offer, telling him that they weren't playing anything. I was so proud of him for doing that because he can be very timid and shy, especially with new people. As we were walking home, he was telling me about this encounter and I was telling him that I was so proud of him for making the effort and that kids don't always play with each other and that it was okay- that maybe next time he could play with them. He turned to me and said, "Did that make you feel good inside when you heard me say that?" Cue melting heart. This is a question that I had just asked him because his teacher displayed some of his work. It is so amazing to watch them as they learn and grow. I can't imagine any other way to spend my time. I feel sorry for Jess sometimes because, being the lucky family bread winner, he misses out on a lot of the cute things that they do and say. I console myself by telling him as much as I can remember and with the knowledge that he is also missing a good portion of the dirty diapers, ref-ing and maintenance that also goes on around here! Their cuteness is like little random Mom gifts!
I like to really focus on these thoughts because it helps me remember why we have so many children and how much I really enjoy "showing them the ropes" in life when I am not quite so pleased with their choices. (I know, wait until I'm not pleased with the choices of their older selves- argh!) I feel bad when I forget how great they are, so I just wanted to dwell on it for a bit...


Anonymous said...

I think that you are the perfect mom, Kelli, and a lot of my child rearing skills are tips that I pick up from you.

I'm glad that we are still best friends, the closest we can be (being so far away), after 16 years. It's one of my proudest acomplishments.

I love you dearly and look up to you... God sent you to this earth for Jess, TJay, Summer, Matthew, and the new baby brewing in your belly. He knew that you were the one.

Happy said...

I couldn't agree more with Maggie's comment on how wonderful of a mom you are. After spending 3 days with you and your kids, I revamped my parenting skills! And I couldn't agree with you more on how wonderful it is to be a mother. I remind myself often how precious this time is with my sweet kids and I know that I will always look back on it as the best years of my life.

Unknown said...

We had a great hanging out with you guys a couple weeks ago. You're all a ton of fun.

The Schooley's said...

Thank you for remining me as well. I need to "dwell" better. I hate that you live so far away now. The distance makes it harder for me to "rub" some of that excellence off on me. grin. Miss you super mom!!