Saturday, September 27, 2008

A piece of our life...

Jess and I went on a date last night! It was awesome! After all these years he is still the hottest guy on the planet. We haven't gone out, just the two of us since June! Sad I know, but we usually do family dates. We've even decided that we are going to go out at least once a month from now on. I can't wait!! We went to Benihana for dinner. It was really good, and pretty fun to watch the chef slice and dice food right before us. I didn't get to see much of the chef actually since I couldn't take my eyes off of my incredible hunk of a man. I was half expecting a piece of rice or something to hit me in the eye, but I made it through with out incident! We hit Cold Stone afterwards and I got the largest size to stash away for the week. Mmmm, I love mint, brownie and hot fudge! But of course not nearly as much as I love my super studly hunkalicious guy.

While we were driving, we started talking about a book on CD that compared Dunkin Dounuts to Krispy Kreme donuts. This led to me talking about how my Dad used to make donuts for us when we were kids. He had this big bowl full of frosting and would put the doughnuts on a stick and pour the glaze over them and then we would watch as the excess glaze dripped back into the bowl. It seemed like forever before they would dry enough that we could dive into the yummy goodness. To this day I prefer warm doughnuts. But what I really prefer is my crazily cute husband's kisses. You can bet I am always tempted by the "hot" sign that Krispy Kreme posts through out the day! I'm not sure who all reads this so I will refrain from making the connection to the "hot" sign sentence. That would have been way too easy.

My point in telling you this is that it led us to talk about what our kids were going to remember about their childhood. We decided that it probably wasn't going to be the trip to Disney World, although fun and memorable, it would be the little things that defined their silly childhood. And their memories of the hottest mom on the planet who couldn't get enough of the coolest dad ever. Since I use this blog as somewhat of a family journal, I wanted to write about some of the things that our kids love right now.
First, welcome to our breakfast table. Each morning as the children are doled out their morning gummy vitamines, they chant, "Do the silly! Do the Silly!" The silly is where Jess leads them on a dialogue. Here is how it goes:
Jess speaking for vitamin bear: "Oh, I think I'll go into this nice cave over here."
Cue kids to put the vitamin in their mouths.
Gummy vitamin bear: "wow my back itches, maybe these back scratchers will scratch my back."
Cue kids to start chewing.
Vitamin: "Oh, my back feels much better. Oh look a slide. That looks fun! Weeee!"
Cue Swallowing.
Vitamin: "Man, I hope it doesn't rain on me. Oh look clouds, no wait ahhh, eggs!!"
And that would be something that T Jay insists on every day. It gets hard to squeeze in on the mornings that we are running late, but there are abbreviated versions. See, I married a clown, but the kids love it. At least he is a super sexy clown.

*Note from Jess - Kelli typed this up and asked me to proofread it. I noticed that she left out a few of her thoughts that I'm sure she would have wanted to share with you, so I just added them for her. We'll see how long it takes her to notice!!


Unknown said...

funniest post ever.

5 little speckled frogs said...

that's hilarious - thanks for sharing - both of you!

Kelli said...

Ahh, welcome to my life my friends!! There's never a dull moment around here!

Happy said...

That was so funny! The first couple of comments about your husband made me think, "Man, that must have been one heck of a date they went on!" By the third one I was wondering if Jess had written the post himself-- I love that he did that! He is hilarious!

The Holmes' family said...

That was hilarious!! I was beginning to wonder if (even though it's against your religion) you had been 'hitting the sauce', Kelli!! I had to reread a couple of times because, as much as I know you love Jess, it still seemed, shall we say, out of character for you. :) Thanks for the laughs guys!!

Anonymous said...

I read this and kept thinking to myself, what happend to my Kelli? It never even occurred to me that Jess hacked into your account. After getting to the last part it just makes it all the more funnier (is that gramatically correct?)

I love Jess. This is WONDERFUL! Nice job.

The Addams Family said...

As I read this, I thought, "Kelli, what's gotten into you? I bet this is Jess." I see that I was right. Love the post, Jess!

The Schooley's said...

GET A ROOM ALREADY!!! GEESH!!! that you are still completely obsessed with your hubby Kelli!! Ditto for you too Jess!!

Nicole said...

I was thinking the same thing like, "Wow-maybe those pregnancy hormones are getting to you Kelli" :) You guys are so cute! Isn't it nice to have a date! And cute story about the vitamins

Bob said...

Kelli, I must say that Jess must be some kind of MAN!!! Really I am so happy that you are so happy. Very cute little kids. Sure wish we could see all of you and that would of course include your MOM! Hope she is getting to spend sometime with those precious little ones. Enjoy Kelli - they grow up soooo fast. Love to you, Maxine

Cara Fish said...

Seriously, SO funny. I was thinking, WHOA, Kelly must have had a really good date with Jess and it must have ENDED really well!

Anonymous said...

Mama Riggs you know why I love Jess...and why he's my FAVORITE (& only, I might add) son-in-law. He has a sense of humor a lot like mine and my family. Quick, Jess...pull the OTHER leg, too. He is always SO funny. I always love to talk to him on the phone or visit with him because I know we will ALL have fun! And, Kelli is ALWAYS my PRECIOUS ANGEL DAUGHTER! Don't forget my ANGEL BABY GRANDKIDS! Happy Birthday to Matthew who turns 2 tomorrow, Oct. 3rd. Love you all, MOM

Jamie said...

HIGH-larious! You guys rock!

Great thoughts about the kids, and so true. Som e of our best memories from growing up revolve around the crazy stuff we did while our parents tried to catch a Sunday nap! Both Rich and I have great Sunday memories, which proves your point.