Monday, February 2, 2009

For The Baby...

I think I have mentioned here before my fantastic love of S'Mores when I am pregnant. Well, anytime really. My quick recipe is a jumbo marshmallow and a handful of semi-sweet chocolate chips on a graham cracker that has been microwaved for about 7-10 seconds. I like the chips to just barely hold their form while I eat them. On an indulgent day, I could eat 4 (who am I kidding?) or more. On a good day, I try to only eat one, wait maybe the indulgent days are the good days. Hmmm...
Anyway, for a few months, Summer has been asking me why I get two treats and she can only have one. My answer to her is some form of "we don't need two treats, one is plenty." This being my attempt to teach them that you can enjoy a taste or serving of something and be done. This is not something I have mastered so "do as I say and not as I do" is really a factor. One day I told her that my second S'more was for the baby, which made total sense in her mind and I didn't hear another word about it, until today that is. As I was happily making my second S'more, she knowingly tells me, "Oh, that one's for the baby, huh." I smile and nod. Then she tells me that she wished that she had a baby in her tummy so that she could have two S'mores also. She added that she wished that babies could have babies. I asked her was going to take care of them if they were both babies and she said, "The Mom."
I guess I will only have my "excuse" for a little while longer, unless I can convince her that it goes into my milk and then to the baby. I'll have to develop that one a little so I can try it out. Wish me luck on that! I guess one of these days I really will have to walk the talk (is that how it goes?) but until then, I am very happily enjoying my set of S'mores!


Karl, Meg, and kids said...

Love it. I have used the same excuse with my kids. They now insist that I have a second for the baby. Nobody wants to leave the babt out. I really think Summer will go for you needing the extra for the baby while you are nursing. My kids all went with it.

Ronnie and Suzi said...

That is hysterical! Those are one of my favorite treats much so I just finished eating one right before coming up to the computer to check what was 'new'! LOL! And you are right...Florida does sound REALLY NICE right now...if I could only convince the hubby! :)

The Schooley's said...

Smores sounds so good right now. Love it. I love that Summer is wanting "one for the baby". Nice. Just wait till she is not looking & have your second. He he. I miss you. How many more weeks left? NOt much eh?

Janet said...

I'm trying to figure out a way to use the baby excuse while NOT pregnant. :)

Happy said...

Hahahaha, that is hilarious! I will definitely keep that in mind for my next pregnancy! Sometimes when I feel embarrassed for Jared to see me eating so much, or AGAIN, I'll remind him that I'm nursing. Wouldn't want to lose my milk supply, right?!

Ronnie and Suzi said...

PS I just tagged you!