Get ready for picture overload!!
Mama's back and the pictures are flowing! Jess was pretty stingy, right?!
My Mom held Alexis' hand while the nurses were poking and prodding her and she was so mellow. I keep my fingers crossed that she stays mellow. I need that.

Summer enjoyed "working'' next to Grammy while she was here.

This is the day I came home from the hospital. For some reason Matthew wanted his picture taken with me, with his pants down! Let's all hope he doesn't make a habit of this one!

This is my good friend Brenda and her husband, Marcello. Brenda and I were best friends and entirely inseparable in 6,7 and 8th grade when our families lived in Germany. They were in FL on vacation and we were able to visit twice while they were down. It was so great to reminisce with her.

A little out of order, I know, but I was too lazy to rearrange it. Matthew trying out the baby warmer. When they came to see me at the hospital, they could only stay about 10 minutes before Matthew had to be led out in restraints! Just kidding, but there are a lot of things for a busy little two year old to touch, but he managed to touch it all. No button went unpressed!

I am so happy that she is here and to not be pregnant anymore!

Summer came with Jess to pick us up from the hospital. She is beside herself with glee that she has a baby sister! I'll have to pull these out to remind her when they are teens!

She was really excited to dress Alexis in real clothes. She likes to pick out her outfits everyday. For having no place to go, she is always looking good thanks to big sis, Summer.

Matthew loves her, too. He walks by her a says, "Baby, so cute." or "Where my baby Lexis?" He is quick to drag us to her rescue when she is crying. And his latest saying is, "Thank you for rescuing me." And for those of you wondering, the big scab on his head is a self inflicted carpet burn.

We all went to see Grammy off at the airport. We were sad to see her go, and grateful that she was able to come and help us out. We now look forward to Grandma coming tomorrow! She gets to stay for 2 whole weeks! Man am I going to have some rotten children after 3 1/2 weeks of Grandmas to spoil them!

Summer posing in her new dress from Grammy before church on Sunday. I just realized that I don't have a picture of T Jay in this post. He loves his baby, too. He will tell me that he hasn't gotten to hold Alexis yet if I try to send him to bed and he hasn't held her that day. It may be a clever way of prolonging bedtime, but that is a whole other post!
So cute! What beautiful children!! Did your mom do Summer's hair the day they took you home from the hospital? 'Cause Teya's hair doesn't look like that when Jared's in charge!! And I still can't wait to hear the birth story!
Good to have you back! Congrats!
Love them! The kids look so happy and you look GREAT! Congrats again!! :)
I love the pic of Summer on the bed with her new baby sister! So cute!
Love the self inflicted burn on my Matthew!! He is awesome. You guys look amazing and I am so happy for you guys. Loved all the pix. Keep 'em coming!!
I love that Summer loves her! I would probably dress way better if I had an older sister to teach me!
I'm so glad all is going great! You have such beautiful children! And you look amazing. Don't know how you do it...
That pic of Matthew is a Jess Melin Pie Face if I ever seen one.
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