I am really good at making chocolate chip cookies. I don't need a recipe and they are always perfect. I make them at least once per week, and sometimes more. Since the first step to addressing a problem is admitting that you have one, I am posting some rather disturbing stats. When I make cookies, I eat no fewer than 6 cookies in one fell swoop. Sad. I often skip meals and replace it with cookies or some other yummy thing. When I do, I usually wake up with a tummy ache and oddly enough repeat the whole thing over again like a dummy! Yummy and dummy rhyme (that is what
TJay would have said if he were reading this)! Anyway, Jess and I are declaring our
Independence from sweets on this very appropriate day. We binged like crazy all day in preparation, too. Hopefully tomorrow will be my last morning "you ate garbage before bed" tummy ache for a while. Jess is giving himself a year to achieve his health goals, and I am aiming for the end of the year. Putting it in writing makes it so, right?! Wish us luck!
I second the first line. Kelli makes perfect chocolate chip cookies!
Why have I not had these cookies before??? I am not on any special food reform, so feel free to ship some up here ANY TIME!! And I totally understand about replacing meals with sweets. My favorite breakfasts are cake and cookies.
We tried this too and I lasted about 3 months and then completely caved in. I think Kevin lasted 4 or 5 months- no sweets whatsoever! Cute 4th of July pics by the way- the outfit Alexis had on was so adorable!
I love your chocolate chip cookies. I have tried to copy them but I just can't. I guess I don't have the Kelli touch:)
GOOD LUCK!! I hope you all reach your goals. I am trying to do the one dessert a week thing.
And yes, Kelli does make very YUMMY cookies. Kelli, I have the same issues when I bake my brownies or cookies. I can be quite the DUMMY at times. :)
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