Friday, September 18, 2009

A great tip...

Today I was watching a couple of Tivo'd Dr Oz shows. He is great, I love his real age info, if you haven't heard of him, you should google him. Anyways, he did a segment on how clean bathrooms are. He had three audience members send in an item from their bathrooms prior to the show to be tested. One lady's toothbrush and holder tested positive for 3 separate bacteria, one of them being e coli, and I'm not sure which one, but it was related to fecal matter! The cause, get this! He showed a clip from a science show where they showed a toilet being flushed with infrared lights. Toilet water particles sprayed up into the air. He said that the needing to be flushed toilet water can float around in the air for several hours. The solution to that unpleasant thought, close the lid before you flush! Training begin tomorrow with our little beans. "Put the seat down" is so yesterday. Say it with me, close the lid!!
*Also, he said that eating a vitamin C tablet can counteract asparagus making your urine smell bad.


Alissa said...

gross!! we put our tooth brushes behind the mirror, hopefully that helps also!

after watching "monsters inside me" on animal planet and dr. oz, i think i'm becoming a germaphobe!

Nicole said...

I also DVR the Oz shows and Kevin and I watched this one this weekend. EW! We are in training as well :)

Maria said...

I've heard that before so I insist on covering my toothbrush and putting it behind the mirror. Yuck. I also wanted to let you know that I thought of you the other day when I bought a pack of mint Oreos. I want to eat them all day long but I have been stopping myself and have only had 1 a day.

The Schooley's said...

that is nasty. I am glad that the toilets are in different rooms here, but I said the chant & I think it took. I will have to teach all three of the boys!