T Jay is playing T-ball! This is his first organized activity that he has been signed up for. He was a little nervous before going to his practice. He even told me that he didn't need to go to practice because he could practice here at home. He told us he was nervous about his coach, because he didn't know him. We role played a few hi, how are you, I'm T Jay nice to meet you sessions and He was off.

Here are the "Super Pumpers!"

Watching as the coach shows them how to bat.

Daddy and Summer "fielded" the balls.

T Jay up to bat. His first ball he didn't line up right and his second ball flew way out there. So much joy in his expression! He was very pleased. He loves his coach, loves his practice, and all things T-ball! It is going to be fun watching him do this.
What a cute family!! I love the updates!
love the long shirts to their knees. classic.
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